Table of Content
- The UK's largest & most detailed directory of elderly care and retirement living options
- Services we don’t give a rating
- CQC Rating for Camelot Nursing and Residential Care Home
- Specialisms / services
- Further Details:
- Ashford House
- Frequently asked questions about Camelot Nursing and Residential Care Home
The residency also cares for residents with mental health conditions and physical disabilities. Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees. The summary describes what people using the service, visitors to the home and members of staff told us, what we observed and what we learnt from the records we looked at. We spoke with seven people who lived in the home, and with two care assistants, the deputy manager and the registered manager. Records we looked at included four care records, staff training records, management audits and the service’s quality assurance documentation.
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. It monitors and inspects services, to make sure they are safe, effective and provide high-quality care. Staff had meetings every month, covering care and operational issues.
The UK's largest & most detailed directory of elderly care and retirement living options
The profile score is a measure of how much information has been provided. Care Sourcer is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick below to say how you would like us to contact you. Accommodation, meals, and assistance with personal care and medication. Our National Housing for Older People Awards celebrate examples of successful retirement housing and housing-with-care.
We saw that people experienced safe and effective care based on detailed care plans and risk assessments that documented peoples’ preferences and met individual needs. We saw that the administration of medication was undertaken in a safe and controlled manner. Care records showed people’s needs were assessed before they began living in the home.
Services we don’t give a rating
As with hotels, the cost of living in a care home varies widely according to its location, the size of your room or suite, and the facilities on offer. There is often a substantial difference between fees charged to those who can afford the costs themselves and those who receive help from their Local Authority. A majority of homes aim to cater for both, but some target only one or the other. Both ownership and rental options are commonly available, as well as alternative ways of paying for the services on offer – including part deferring payment until a property is sold. Our infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections. Berkeley Lodge is a large well presented residential care home providing nursing services.

This is the latest available inspection report for this service, carried out on 6th October 2009. As both a nursing and residential home Camelot can provide quality care across a wide range of individual needs. We asked people who lived at Camelot Nursing and Residential Care Home about their care and treatment. People we spoke with said they got up at times that suited them and went to bed when they wanted to.
CQC Rating for Camelot Nursing and Residential Care Home
The premises are well maintained to a good specification throughout, and are detached with garden areas that have been adapted for service users. Camelot is accommodated within two large, detached houses that have been linked and extended and has 36 rooms of which 10 have en-suite facilities. Each room has its own TV point, and residents are encouraged to bring in their own personal effects to provide a familiar environment to their room. There were up to date policies and procedures in place regarding consent that staff followed in practice. This helped to ensure that people’s rights to consent to their care and treatment were upheld.
Also known as Care & Repair agencies, are local non-profit organisations set up to help older people think about, plan, finance and organise work on their homes. These services tackle smaller repair jobs, including installing safety & security devices. They are provided by many local Age UKs as well as other organisations. Care records showed good information was obtained from people and their families about previous lifestyles, experience and interests.
Specialisms / services
This enabled changes to be made to people’s planned care needs and identified risks were reviewed. Staff we spoke with said the care plans guided the care and support people received. They received a handover of updating information each time they started work. People’s descriptions of support they received matched exactly with the care plans that we read. A popular feature on our site is the Entertainers’ Directory, which offers an advertising opportunity to entertainers who enjoy performing to older people in retirement housing, day centre and care home settings.
The staff members were focused on the task, engaged in conversation as people wished and assisted them to enjoy their meals with privacy and dignity. Staffing of the home was organised such that people were seen regularly throughout the day. Their wellbeing was checked and recorded each time staff attended to them. Staff were directed to ensure people had call bells to hand, so they could summon assistance when they needed it. Camelot Nursing and Residential Care Home is two houses that have been converted into one large home with a front driveway. The home is situated in a residential area of Worthing within close proximity to both shops and the seafront.
At other times we offer an answer phone service so please leave a message and we'll call you back. Generally the whole complex will be designed with attention to accessibility for residents with restricted mobility. Buying a ‘home for life plan’, or ‘lifetime lease’, gives you the right to live in a property until you die or move to a care home. This might enable you to live somewhere you couldn’t otherwise afford. A move may provide a whole new lease of life, but a wrong choice can be difficult to undo. Our site provides information about every retirement scheme, development or village in the UK, to help you make the right choice.
Care plans were clearly based on these initial assessments, and subsequent monthly reviews. People had signed to show they had been involved in agreeing their needs and how they were to be met, or relatives had done so on their behalf. A person who lived in the home told us they were fully involved in aspects of management of two primary medical conditions they had. Just be aware that we do not provide housing or care services ourselves, so we cannot accept applications for housing and do not have any control over the services listed on our site.
Koinonia Christian Care 4 Winchester Road, Worthing, BN11 4DJ ★★★☆ Koinonia Christian Care is a large care home in Worthing housing a maximum of 39 individuals. The care home houses older individuals The Care Quality Commission has monitored the residency since July 2011. In August 2016, the CQC rewarded the home with an overall rating of good. Sunkist Lodge Winchester Road, Worthing, BN11 4DJ ★★★☆ Sunkist Lodge is a medium size care home situated in Worthing, with a capacity of 26. The residency cares for adults of all ages including those with mental health conditions. The Care Quality Commission has monitored the residency for more than five years.
Care homes are regulated by independent Inspectorates in each country of the UK, subject to periodic inspections and awarded quality grades. Inspectorate reports and grades are accessible from the care home pages on this website. Daily help, including personal care, is available on site and one or more meals are available daily in a dining room or restaurant. Additional facilities are also common – for example hairdressing salons, hobby rooms and gyms. Organised activities will focus on helping residents maintain their health and wellbeing. Including what different types of care homes offer and why you might want to choose a home care service or look for support in your community.
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